
[CORONAVIRUS] Le Groupe VIVESCIA met tout en œuvre pour contribuer à maintenir la production agricole et alimentaire

Thursday 19 March 2020, 16:15

Le Groupe VIVESCIA, sa Coopérative agricole et ses métiers de transformation, met tout en œuvre pour répondre aux devoirs qui sont les nôtres : contribuer à maintenir la production agricole et alimentaire.

We want to say a big thank you to all our employees, and salute their sense of responsibility in the face of this unprecedented health crisis. Wherever they are – from our silos, to our production sites, and all our other departments – they are all working hard to best serve our member-farmers, food processing customers, artisan bakers, and consumers…

Our priority is to support our employees every day and ensure that everyone strictly follows the heightened social distancing and hygiene measures.

Now more than ever, we must show solidarity and unity to cope with this crisis