Press release

Christoph Büren re-elected president of VIVESCIA

Tuesday 5 January 2021, 18:30

Reims, 5 January 2021 - In accordance with the cooperative statutes, VIVESCIA's Board of Administrators today elected the President and the other members of VIVESCIA's Board Committee.

Christoph Büren was re-elected President of VIVESCIA. 

The Board Committee is made up of nine elected members and remains unchanged : Christoph Büren (President), Nicolas Demoury (Vice President), Sylvain Hinschberger (Vice President), Sylvain Hauchard (Secretary), Jean-Marc Longuet (Treasure), Damien Fosseprez, Louis Jaillant, François Prévoteau and Emmanuel Vieillart

The Board of Administrators is made up of 24 farmers – who are elected by VIVESCIA cooperative farmers – and a representative of the FCPE. The President of VIVESCIA is a farmer, who is elected annually by peers. The Board of Administrators represents the cooperative farmers, oversees activities, sets the objectives, and decides on the cooperative group's strategic direction.

VIVESCIA’s Board of Administrators (from top to bottom, left to right)

  • Laurent Berthe (President Sector – Dormans)
  • Philippe Bonvallet (President Sector - Châlons-Vallée de Marne)
  • Stéphane Borderieux (President Sector - Coupetz Saint-Ouen)
  • Aurélien Boyau
  • Alain Boynard (President Sector – Vitry Perthois)
  • Christoph Büren (President Sector - Fère-Vertus)
  • Eric Charle (President Sector – Seine Brie Champagne)
  • Alban Collard (President - central territory, President Sector - Suippes-Valmy)
  • Eric Courageot (President Sector – Barrois)
  • Nicolas Demoury (President - western territory)
  • Damien Fosseprez (President Sector – Rethel)
  • Marie Gailliot (President Sector – Mazagran)
  • Jacky Goubault
  • Sylvain Hauchard (President - northern territory)
  • Sylvain Hinschberger
  • Louis Jaillant
  • Emmanuel Joanot (President Sector – Othe et Chaourçois)
  • Jean-Marc Longuet (President - southern territory, President Sector - Côte des Bar)
  • Jean-Philippe Mignot (President Sector - Lacs et Briennois)
  • Thierry Nice (President Sector – Champicarde)
  • Antoine Oudet (President Sector – Nord-Ardennes)
  • François Prévoteau (President Sector – Reims)
  • Denis Schoellen (President Sector – Revigny Somme-Yèvre)
  • Emmanuel Vieillart (President Sector – Champagne Val de Seine)
  • Jean-Pierre Boucher (Representative of the FCPE).

Employee representatives also sit on the Board of Administrators: Joël Mauclert, Yves Leroy, Nicolas Dethon, Jean-Philippe Depoisson.

Press release - Christoph Büren re-elected President of VIVESCIA
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