Christoph Büren was re-elected President of VIVESCIA
Reims, 7 January 2020 - VIVESCIA's Board of Administrators today elected the President and the other members of VIVESCIA's Board Committee.
Christoph Büren has been unanimously re-elected President of VIVESCIA.
The Board Committee is made up of nine elected members: Christoph Büren (President), Nicolas Demoury (Vice President), Sylvain Hinschberger (Vice President), Sylvain Hauchard (Secretary), Jean-Marc Longuet (Treasure), Damien Fosseprez (new member), Louis Jaillant, François Prévoteau et Emmanuel Vieillart.
The Board of Administrators is made up of 25 farmers – who are elected by VIVESCIA cooperative partners – and a representative of the FCPE. It represents the cooperative farmers, oversees activities, sets the objectives, and decides on the cooperative group's strategic direction.
The President of VIVESCIA is a farmer, who is elected annually by peers.
VIVESCIA's 26 administrators (from top to bottom, left to right)
- Laurent Berthe (President Sector – Dormans)
- Philippe Bonvallet (President Sector - Châlons-Vallée de Marne)
- Stéphane Borderieux (President Sector - Coupetz Saint-Ouen)
- Aurélien Boyau
- Alain Boynard (President Sector – Vitry Perthois)
- Christoph Büren (President Sector - Fère-Vertus)
- Eric Charle (President Sector – Seine Brie Champagne)
- Alban Collard (President - central territory, President Sector - Suippes-Valmy)
- Eric Courageot (President Sector – Barrois)
- Nicolas Demoury (President - western territory)
- Damien Fosseprez (President Sector – Rethel)
- Marie Gailliot (President Sector – Mazagran)
- Jacky Goubault
- Eric Hamot
- Sylvain Hauchard (President - northern territory)
- Sylvain Hinschberger
- Louis Jaillant
- Emmanuel Joanot (President Sector – Othe et Chaourçois)
- Jean-Marc Longuet (President - southern territory, President Sector - Côte des Bar)
- Jean-Philippe Mignot (President Sector - Lacs et Briennois)
- Thierry Nice (President Sector – Champicarde)
- Antoine Oudet (President Sector – Nord-Ardennes)
- François Prévoteau (President Sector – Reims)
- Denis Schoellen (President Sector – Revigny Somme-Yèvre)
- Emmanuel Vieillart (President Sector – Champagne Val de Seine)
- Jean-Pierre Boucher (Representative of the FCPE).
Employee representatives also sit on the Board of Administrators: Joël Mauclert, Yves Leroy, Nicolas Dethon, Alain Rousselle.