[Press Release] Christoph Büren reelected President of VIVESCIA
Reims, 7 January - In accordance with its cooperative bylaws, VIVESCIA's Board of Directors today held the annual election of its President and the members of its Board Committee, as well as the section and territory presidents.
VIVESCIA’s Board of Directors, made up of 23 farmers elected by their peers, represents the Cooperative’s members, performing a supervisory role, setting targets and deciding on the strategic direction of the Cooperative Group and its manufacturing subsidiaries.
Christoph Büren, President of VIVESCIA Cooperative Group since 2017 was re-elected today by the Board of Directors.
The members of the Board of Directors were also re-elected (in alphabetical order): Alban Collard, Nicolas Demoury (Vice-President), Damien Fosseprez, Marie Gailliot, Sylvain Hinschberger (Vice-President), Louis Jaillant (Secretary), Jean-Marc Longuet (Treasurer).
Following the Cooperative’s AGM on 10 December 2024, two new directors are joining the board for 2025: Cyril Barrois (Nord Ardennes section) and Stéphane Schoumacher (Dormans section). VIVESCIA Group wants to wish Cyril and Stéphane a warm welcome and thank Antoine Oudet and Denis Schoellen for their long-term commitment and service the Cooperative and to local and regional farmers.
VIVESCIA’s 2025 Board of Directors (in alphabetical order):
- Cyril Barrois (Section president – Nord-Ardennes)
- Stéphane Borderieux (Section president - Coupetz Saint-Ouen)
- Aurélien Boyau
- Alain Boynard (Section president – Vitry Perthois)
- Christoph Büren (President of VIVESCIA, Section president - Fère-Vertus)
- Eric Charle (Section president – Seine Brie Champagne)
- Alban Collard (Territory president – Centre; Section president – Suippes-Valmy)
- Eric Courageot (Section president – Barrois)
- Alain Deketele (Section president – Revigny Somme-Yèvre)
- Nicolas Demoury (Territory president - West)
- Damien Fosseprez (Territory president – North; Section president – Rethel)
- Marie Gailliot (Section president – Mazagran)
- Jacky Goubault
- Sylvain Hinschberger
- Louis Jaillant
- Emmanuel Joanot (Section president – Othe et Chaourçois)
- Jean-Marc Longuet (Territory president – South; Section president – Côte des Bar)
- Jean-Philippe Mignot (Section president - Lacs et Briennois)
- Thierry Nice (Section president – Champicarde)
- Nicolas Perardel (Section president - Châlons Vallée de Marne)
- Mickaël Portevin (Section president – Reims)
- Stéphane Schoumacher (Section president – Dormans)
- For the Champagne Val de Seine section, a new director will be coopted by the Board and confirmed at the AGM next December.
Philippe Irlande (VIVESCIA Director of Human Resources) is the FCPE representative, elected at the Cooperative’s AGM on 10 December 2024.
The employee representatives sitting on the Board of Directors are: Jean-Philippe Balland, Yann Bruguerolle, Nicolas Dethon, and Martial Peuziat.