
Discover grains, the integrated report 2022-2023 of VIVESCIA Group

Friday 2 February 2024, 17:21

We are a cooperative Group made up of interdependent entities that operate along the entire grain value chain… This first integrated report brings together our financial results with the environmental, social and societal aspects of our activity.


It highlights the connections that define who we are, that drive us, and which guide our new sustainable development policy, LINK, which was launched nearly two years ago. LINK runs through the Group’s strategy and transformation plans. The commitments it features are progressively being integrated into our business model. This consolidated report is an illustration of that. In this report, we want to talk about our capacity and our desire to bring together our stakeholders – the Cooperative’s members, our colleagues, our customers, our consumers, our partners and society more widely in our region and beyond, our businesses and their professional ecosystem – to help them evolve and “work together” (a value that is dear to us) more efficiently and to collaborate differently, to innovate, and to move faster and further…

-> Discover the integrated report 2022-2023 of VIVESCIA Group

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