Press release

[Press Release] Christoph Büren re-elected President of VIVESCIA

Tuesday 9 January 2024, 11:53

Reims, 9 January 2024 - In accordance with its cooperative bylaws, VIVESCIA's Board of administrators today held the annual election of its President and the members of its Board committee.

Christoph Büren
©La Coopération Agricole

Christoph Büren was re-elected President of VIVESCIA.

The Board of administrators is made up of 23 farmers – who are elected by VIVESCIA's cooperative members – and a representative of the FCPE (Fonds Commun de Placement d'Entreprise - Company Mutual Fund). It represents the Cooperative’s farmers, performing a supervisory role, setting targets and deciding on the strategic direction of the Cooperative Group and its manufacturing subsidiaries.

The Board committee is made up of nine elected members: Christoph Büren (President), Alban Collard, Nicolas Demoury (Vice-President), Damien Fosseprez, Marie Gailliot, Sylvain Hinschberger (Vice-President), Louis Jaillant (Secretary), Jean-Marc Longuet (Treasurer), and Emmanuel Vieillart.

2024 sees the arrival of two new administrators: Nicolas Perardel and Alain Deketele. VIVESCIA Group wants to wish them a warm welcome and thank Philippe Bonvallet and Denis Schoellen for their long-standing engagement in and commitment to the Cooperative and to local and regional farmers. 

VIVESCIA's Board of administrators:

  • Laurent Berthe (Section president – Dormans),
  • Stéphane Borderieux (Section president - Coupetz Saint-Ouen),
  • Aurélien Boyau,
  • Alain Boynard (Section president – Vitry Perthois),
  • Christoph Büren (President of VIVESCIA, Section president - Fère-Vertus),
  • Eric Charle (Section president – Seine Brie Champagne),
  • Alban Collard (President of the Centre region, Section president - Suippes-Valmy),
  • Eric Courageot (Section president – Barrois),
  • Alain Deketele (Section president – Revigny Somme-Yèvre),
  • Nicolas Demoury (President of the Western region),
  • Damien Fosseprez (President of the Northern region, Section president – Rethel),
  • Marie Gailliot (Section president – Mazagran),
  • Jacky Goubault,
  • Sylvain Hinschberger,
  • Louis Jaillant, Emmanuel Joanot (Section president – Othe et Chaourçois),
  • Jean-Marc Longuet (President of the southern region, Section president - Côte des Bar),
  • Jean-Philippe Mignot (Section president - Lacs et Briennois),
  • Thierry Nice (Section president – Champicarde),
  • Antoine Oudet (Section president – Nord-Ardennes),
  • Nicolas Perardel (Section president - Châlons- Vallée de Marne),
  • Mickaël Portevin (Section president – Reims),
  • Emmanuel Vieillart (Section president – Champagne Val de Seine).

FCPE representative: Jean-Christophe Trotabas (Group HR Director)
There are also employee representatives sitting on the Board of administrators: 
Yann Bruguerolle, Nicolas Dethon, Jean-Philippe Balland, et Martial Peuziat

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